MR. Universe India 2022 Registration Form

Mr. Universe India is the preliminary to Mr. Universe Pageant and Mr. Multinational pageant.

The Eligibility Criteria are:

Height- 5’7″ and above
Age- 18 to 30 Years by 31st December 2022.
Unmarried Indian, NRI or OCI

Mr. Universe India is owned by Glamanand Group.

Terms and Conditions:
It is mandatory to register online and submit the audition online after receiving the email from us.
Please do not fix any other engagements on the audition day as we expected to wind up the zoom call process by late evening and for the following day (Only if you are shortlisted after submitting the audition videos)
Remember to keep your internet connection fixed and your attire to be suitable with adequate lightings.
Once you have successfully registered with us, you will be receiving an email explaining the further audition process.
The applicant should be a natural-born male.
Avoid colored contact lenses. Natural contact lenses are allowed. Judges should be able to see your natural eye color.
Your appearance, code of conduct shall be noted always. The Glamanand team is not liable to entertain contestants’ parents & guardians at any stage.
Please be at the top of your game and be well behaved always.
We trust that you are over 18 years of age & believe that you can handle things by yourself.

For any inquiry email us at


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